Subject: Beekeeping At Christmas

Your 10 Steps Before Holidays

Are You Going Away On

Holiday This December And Want

10 Steps For Your Beekeeping?

Are you going away on holiday or staying home? Here's some steps you can do this holiday for your apiary and your bees!

Copyright © 2024 Warrick Selzer. All rights reserved worldwide.

Hi Friend,

I am thrilled that it is December. I am also biting my lip. This time of year I need a break. I don't know about you but life is tough and everything takes it toll throughout the year. So... taking a break is not just a nice-to-have.

It's a must to recharge. Our bees however DON'T!


Here's the thing. It really depends on the size of your apiary. If you fall into the hobbyist category of beekeeper then there's the base line of steps to run through that both you and the small operate and the commercial operator will want to practice.


  1. Always ensure you have spare super chambers for more honey space

  2. Do do an inspection asap and then follow the plan by covering (1) and below

  3. Take note of what's happening inside your hive/s

  4. If they have a nectar flow and are collecting pollen, filling honeycomb with nectar and strong laying pattern - fantastic! Add a super chamber!

  5. If you do not have one of the above, pay close attention!

  6. Check for pests and any diseases

  7. DO make fire breakers!

  8. Harvest honey from your full super chambers before you go away

  9. Plan ahead for all of the above now... Phone a friend! lol

  10. We close on the 21st December @ noon!

Thank you for your time.

"May the flow bee forever in your favour!"

2024 © W Selzer

If you are going away and have a friend you can call on, that's awesome!

Just bee sure to coach them before you leave them with your bees:

  • How to smoke properly?

  • How not to panic if the bees go bos [mad!]?

  • How to open a hive using a hive tool not to bang the lid and more?

  • What to look for and how to identify it when they see it in the hive?

  • What to do when they find pests, eggs, queen cells and more?

  • Why they should probably work at night with a red LED light?

  • Why they should use PVC gloves and not leather ones?

  • Who they can call on to tag for help if needed?

  • Who needs to know when they come to do a apiary visit?

  • What animals and pets should be kept indoors?

The December Hot List!

Double Honey Strainer
Double Honey Strainer

Double Honey Strainer

Stainless steel double strainer for effective honey filtering and straining.


ZAR 285.00
Super Chambers -assembled in full
Super Chambers -assembled in full

Super Chambers -assembled in full! - *shipping not included**

Bee WARE supplies super chambers ready & assembled for use in the field on existing bee colonies and apiaries!

Supplied with wax strips only and all frames wired and assembled the honey super chamber is made to be used immediately!

It has been weather treated with Waksol already which will keep it protected for at least 5 years, longer if well maintained.

They each contain 10 assembled frames. Made to fit Langstroth sizes and are compatible with all langstroth design beehives!

They weigh an estimated 7Kg each when shipped.Queen excluders are NOT included.

Postage is additional cost and goes on volume pricing.


Tracking is provided once payment is received and goods are posted. Travel is usually 3-5 working days from time

ZAR 560.00
Manual Wax Press
Manual Wax Press

Manual Wax Press

Honeycomb wax press is a manual wax press machine for processing honeycomb and cappings from honey harvests not using frames. It is a manual wax press that requires corkscrew type manual twisting to make the vice move lower and higher to squeeze the comb so the honey can escape by way of crushing the comb and cappings. The honey then escapes down the sides and out the funnel at the front end. This leaves the beeswax behind and is about 85% clean of honey. Not all residue is removed using this process however it is effective. The beeswax forms a round shaped cake for further handling and processing. Run the honey through a double strainer which is a macro filter made from stainless steel into buckets and or settling tanks.
ZAR 3,010.00
4-Frame Honey Extractor - Manual
4-Frame Honey Extractor - Manual

4-Frame Stainless Steel Honey Extractor - Manual

Fits both super frames and brood frames for spinning honey.
  This item goes well with: Intermediate Bee course for maximising your honey production and making more bee colonies to use or sell.  

How best to use honey spinners with expert tutorials

  [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="548"]ZAR 4,940.00
Uncapping knife
Uncapping knife
Uncapping knife for uncapping the beeswax seal on the honeycomb to allow for the honey to escape and extract easily and without damaging the comb cells. This way, they can be refilled very quickly and you could harvest again within 7-10 days.
ZAR 135.00
6-Frame Catch Box
6-Frame Catch Box
Catch box for attracting bees Luring bees that are trekking around in spring and summer time! And for making new bee splits which we teach on our Intermediate Bee Course using your splitting queen cells to make more hives!!
ZAR 540.00
6-Frame S/Steel Extractor - Manual
6-Frame S/Steel Extractor - Manual

6- Frame Stainless Steel Manual Honey Extractor - shipping not included**

** Stock Available today** The honey extractor is a manual format with stainless steel. It includes a honey gate tape built-in to the drum frame. This unit is mirror-finished and made at the highest quality standards. The dimensions are quite large of this unit as follows:
  • 6 Frame Extractor
  • Manual and a gear ratio of about 5:1
  • Stainless steel
  • Actual size: 74 x 74 x 89cm - It's a big unit and she is beautiful!
  • Gross Weight:28Kg.
ZAR 10,925.00
Bee Lure - Lemongrass oil-50ml
Bee Lure - Lemongrass oil-50ml
If you want to increase your chance of successfully attracting a swarm, you can add an attractant to your bait hive. Lemongrass is very similar to the queen bee’s scent, so honeybees find the mixture of lemongrass and beeswax irresistible.
ZAR 140.00
Bee Suit - XLarge
Bee Suit - XLarge

Best Bee Suits XL - with attachable bee veils and bee hood

Beekeepers your body needs to be protected! It is always advisable that you wear protective clothing, bee gloves and boots when working with bees. Ensure you are double-checked before you begin an inspection. This bee suit caters for someone with a weight range of about 60 -72kg and about 1.6 - 1.7m tall. Make sure the overall is washed in a cold wash. Some shrinking is to be expected and this is one reason we recommend beekeepers take a size larger than they usually do. Made with bull denim to protect against the African honey
ZAR 1,970.00