Subject: Bee-Powered Health: Transform Your Wellness with Nature

Nature's Prescription: Bee Products for Your Health

 Nature's Prescription:

Bee Products for Your Health

The Buzz About Apitherapy: Your Path to Wellness

Continue on your odyssey...

"Let us craft a series about natural remedies with bees!"

BY W.SELZER © 2023

It's time to take your wellness journey to the next level, all thanks to the incredible world of bee products. Our buzzing adventure continues, and today, we're unveiling the secrets of how bee products can transform your health.  🌱


Let's dive into some bee-powered wellness:

  • Propolis Power: This sticky substance, collected from tree buds and resin, is a powerhouse of antioxidants and antimicrobials. It supports your immune system, fights inflammation, and even helps with allergies.

Special Use: Oral treatments.

  • Royal Jelly Royalty: Reserved for the queen bee, royal jelly is a nutritional wonder. It's packed with essential vitamins and minerals, promoting healthy skin, improving energy levels, and enhancing cognitive function.

Special Use: Anti-aging & Fertility.

  • Beeswax Brilliance: Beeswax isn't just for candles. It's an excellent skin moisturizer and can even provide relief from certain skin conditions.

Special Use: Food coating,

emollient, humectant & contains vitamin A.

  • Bee Venom Vitality: While a bee sting may not sound pleasant, bee venom therapy is gaining recognition for its potential in treating various health issues, including pain and inflammation.

Special Use: tumors, breast cancer & multiple-sclerosis.

The magic of bee products lies in their natural composition, and your focus as a supplier should be directed at extracting them while maintaining their purity and effectiveness.

Propolis and Royal Jelly can be easily damaged. So can bee venom if not stored and handled correctly. Practice specific handling protocols.

But there's more to this story...


By embracing the world of apitherapy and incorporating bee products into your wellness routine, you're not just enhancing your own health; you're contributing to a global shift in how we perceive natural medicine.

Our mission, aligned with the World Health Organisation's strategy, is to promote the knowledge and recognition of beehive products to the medical and paramedical world. Together, we're part of something bigger.

Our mission is to help define, construct and reinforce the structure of apitherapy as a natural medicine, to promote the knowledge and the recognition of beehive products to the medical, paramedical world in line with the World Health Organisation Strategy of promoting traditional and complementary medicines (CAM).


With technological advancements in the medicinal and pharmaceutical industries, numerous research studies have focused on the propolis produced by Apis mellifera honeybees as alternative complementary medicines for the potential treatment of various acute and chronic diseases.

Propolis can be found in tropical and subtropical forests throughout the world. The composition of phytochemical constituents in propolis varies depending on the bee species, geographical location, botanical source, and environmental conditions.

Typically, propolis contains:

  • lipid,

  • beeswax,

  • essential oils,

  • pollen,

  • and organic components.

The latter include flavonoids, phenolic compounds, polyphenols, terpenes, terpenoids, coumarins, steroids, amino acids, and aromatic acids.

The biologically active constituents of propolis, which include countless organic compounds such as:

artepillin C, caffeic acid, caffeic acid phenethyl ester, apigenin, chrysin, galangin, kaempferol, luteolin, genistein, naringin, pinocembrin, coumaric acid, and quercetin,

...which have a broad spectrum of biological and therapeutic properties such as anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anticancer, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic obstruct pulmonary disorders, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory tract-related diseases, gastrointestinal disorders, as well as neuro-protective, immunomodulatory, and immuno-inflammatory agents.

Molecules. 2022 Sep; 27(18): 6120. Propolis: Its Role and Efficacy in Human Health and Diseases

Published online 2022 Sep 19. doi: 10.3390/molecules27186120

PMCID: PMC9504311

PMID: 36144852

Bees gather the resins and beeswax from various parts of plants, such as flowers and leaf buds, exudates, resins, gums, and mucilage, surrounding their hive and then enriched them with their β-glucosidase enzymatic saliva [3,4,5,6].

Propolis is a valuable bee resinous product produced by different types of bees including Apis mellifera honeybee.

The propolis of each species is very diverse and has a variety of chemical compositions. The botanical plants within a radius of up to a few kilometers surrounding beehives have a huge impact on the composition and physiochemical content of propolis.


In numerous pre-clinical and clinical studies, it has been proven that a wide range of natural compounds, including flavonoids, phenolic compounds, polyphenols, terpenes, terpenoids, and aromatic acids in propolis are potential:

  • anticancer,

  • antiapoptotic,

  • antidiabetic,

  • anti-inflammatory,

  • antioxidant,

  • antibacterial, and antiviral agents [17].

Ready to unlock the secret to thriving well-being, captivating both your garden and your pallet? Click the link below to explore our beekeeping equipment, and discover the next chapter in your enchanting adventure:


Our online shop is brimming with the finest honey, harvested with care and precision by our dedicated beekeepers. With a few clicks, you can bring the wonders of the hive right to your doorstep. Don't miss this opportunity to taste the pure essence of nature.

If you're feeling the spark of curiosity, remember to check out our beekeeping academy. It's your gateway to becoming a beekeeping pro, nurturing your own hive, and crafting your own honey – a truly hands-on experience that connects you with the heart of nature.

In the next email, we'll venture deeper into the world of apitherapy and explore how bee products can transform your health. It's a thrilling journey, and you're on the right path to uncovering the secrets of wellness through nature.

To sweet beginnings and buzzing health!!

P.S. Don't forget to explore our online HONEY shop for a taste of the finest honey and bee products. It's a delightful step towards your apitherapy adventure!

"Apitherapy Is The Study of Bee Products"

Now, we're on a mission to share this miraculous rediscovery with folks just like you, who care deeply about natural remedies and have a soft spot for our buzzing friends. 🐝

But there's more to it than meets the eye.

At Bee Ware®, our mission goes beyond just sharing the healing power of bee products with individuals like you.

We're on a mission to define, construct, and reinforce the structure of apitherapy as a natural medicine.

We aim to promote the knowledge and recognition of beehive products to the medical and paramedical world, aligning with the World Health Organisation's strategy of promoting traditional and complementary medicines (CAM).

So, by joining us on this apitherapy adventure, you're not just exploring a fascinating hobby; you're contributing to a global movement that's reshaping the way the world views alternative medicine. Together, we're making a difference!

Imagine a life where you can potentially alleviate your health issues, cultivate a positive view of alternative medicine, and take control of your well-being.

Apitherapy can be your secret weapon on this journey with complementary natural remedies.

I've got an exclusive invitation for you to visit our online shop, where you can discover a wide array of pure, natural bee products waiting to enhance your well-being.

And if you're feeling particularly adventurous, I'll guide you to our beekeeping academy, where you can unlock the secrets of nurturing your own hive.

So, are you ready to explore the POTENTIAL power of bees, stand up to mainstream medicine, and empower your journey to wellness?

Stay tuned for our next email, where we'll delve into the fascinating world of bee products and their incredible rediscovery.

In our next episode on Apitherapy:

"The Science Behind the Buzz: Unlocking Bee Product Secrets 🧪"

We are not medically trained. This is not medical advice.

Consult a medical practitioner for medical conditions and advice.

Bursting with flavour!