Subject: Are you selling local honey and want more local buyers?




Coming Soon

You're Doing Beekeeping & Want More Business?


What would you do if you could be easy to find by your customers?

We know people LOVE honey... It's one of the reasons why we got into beekeeping in the first place. I think I can safely say if you're reading this right now, you LOVE to make honey and would LIKE to have more local customers find you and connect and buy from you... Right?


Adding Your Local Bee Service & Activity for Others to FIND easily, Connect, rate and share like: 


Honey sellers and buyers


Honey bottlers


Hive Makers and buyers


Beeswax Sellers and Buyers


What's Next For You? 


After months of work and thousands of dollars, we are ready to pre-launch our new beekeeping hub which gives everybody the super opportunity of becoming a member of a beekeeping hub that showcases your bee service, bee shop, workshop, bee removal service, pollination service and more...  


What Would You Do With More Customers Finding You?