Subject: 67 Minutes of FaceBook Answers!


67min on FaceBook
18th July!
Winter time in Southern Hemishpere

Exciting news is that Bee WARE is now on Facebook! We are offering 67 minutes of our expertise on Facebook today to answer all and any kind of beginner beekeeping question!

Post up your Beekeeping Question today and late this afternoon, we will spend 67 minutes to try and answer them. Find our Facebook Page now...

With the ALOES starting to come into flower bees will make use of the winter nectar flow to sustain the hard cold winter on the highveld and elsewhere.

If you do have winter forage available like Eucalyptus and Aloes, consider placing an additional super honey chamber on your existing one to allow for storage of it.

Beekeepers could consider feeding with sugar water, maizena or cut open citrus at feeding stations or internally to assist the bees through the cold winter nights we are currently experiencing.       
Bee course
Honey Extractor 20-frame Experts's advice
Beekeeping this time of year should involve planning for new apiary sites, preparing them and cleaning old unused bee boxes and clearing for firebreaks for example.

Make sure any unused supers and frames you may use are free of wax moth eggs and ants and even wasps.

We recently cleaned out an old uninhabited trap box where Mason Bees had built a home inside. It looked very much like a Swallow's mud home dwelling. Lovely!  

As August approaches, winter should start relinquishing its hold on the country and begin woeing Spring.

Similarly, beekeepers should again make preparations for the coming season. If you are brand new then get hold of a Blue book, or Practical Beekeeping ebook and come on a beginner beekeeping course. That way you are able to take advantage of the coming Spring hitting the ground running.   
Easy Buzzing bee course 28th JULY
Easy Buzzing Bee course for beginners is running again likely to be the 28th July near Lanseria airport!

Visit the Bee course section on our website for further details. 

The June/July months tend to be too cold to run a bee course.

Learn more on our bee course!
Beekeeping Business Solutions P.S. - Please email
Beginner beekeeping course will be running again 28th July.

It's a full day of beginner beekeeping training with at least 90 minutes of REAL Bee work as you open a working bee hive and inspect for pests, honey and the queen bee!

Feel free to forward this email to a friend!
  We offer start up kits for beginner beekeepers.

Purchase any of the items below separately or as a starter kit:

Bee hives
Bee suits - detachable veil
Hive tool
Bee smoker
Bee gloves | frame wire
queen excluders
  If you want to start beekeeping now you have a lower chance of catching bees and they will be weak during winter too. 

Keep wintering your bees with potential addition of a super if you have winter forage flowering now!    

Feed your existing colonies sugar water in leak proof freezer bags! But remember to give them a 5 day break inbetween.
Contact us
082 359 8787
10am - 16h00 Mon - Fri
Week days only!
Holiday closing date: 1-14 April
086 50 33 0 55

Bee Course DVD video training