How to Brew All Grain
Award winning author John Palmer and I are happy to announce that our How to Brew All Grain Beer video, which joins our earlier How to Brew with Malt Extract, was just launched at a 20%-off intro price.
These two videos were a major personal project of mine spanning the last year - John Palmer and I jointly wrote the 22,000 word script, filmed over 3,500 video clips in HD, and then patiently edited these thousands of cuts for months to produce 90 minutes on All Grain brewing and 70 minutes on Extract brewing.
The all grain video covers mashing, BIAB, brewing, fermenting, kegging, judging beer, yeast starters, equipment needed, and every step in the all grain brewing process.
These are simply the finest quality videos on brewing available anywhere!
Watch the trailers and learn more about them here!
Get Your Copy - At 20% Off for a Limited Time
We're offering the videos for $19.95 which is 20% off the regular price for the next few weeks.
The Digital version is available from Vimeo in HD, and includes the ability to rent or buy, download and watch the video from your computer or mobile device.
Vimeo Digital: How to Brew All Grain and How to Brew with Malt Extract
Physical DVDs are also available on Amazon Prime - and these make a great gift to get someone into brewing.
Amazon DVDs: How to Brew All Grain and How to Brew with Malt Extract
(Wholesale inquiries are also welcome - visit our Wholesale page for more info)
Thank you again for your continued support!
Brad Smith Follow BeerSmith on Twitter and Facebook |