BeerSmith Newsletter Dr Brad Smith Wins 2024 AHA Governing Committee AwardBrad Smith of BeerSmith LLC was named the 2024 American Homebrewers Association (AHA) Governing Committee Recognition Award winner at the National Homebrew Competition Awards ceremony on 10 October 2024 in Denver. The award was presented by AHA Executive Director Julia Herz, who called it the “Highest Award in Homebrewing”. He joins a distinguished list of previous award winners you can read about here.. Also a reminder you can renew your AHA membership here and support BeerSmith. What's Next for BeerSmith?I'm pleased to announce that there is a new desktop version of BeerSmith coming in the Spring of 2025. The new version will feature tighter integration with the web based version, a SQL storage system, new brewing features, as well as enhanced support for beer, wine, mead and seltzers. I will be announcing more about the new version as we get closer to release. Updated BeerSmith Website, Recipe Site, Blog and ForumOver the summer, I moved all of my web sites over to new servers, and also redesigned the BeerSmith website, blog, forum and recipe site with a new theme. The new theme is designed to simplify access to the wide variety of information I've published over the years and also bring it up to date with modern adaptive web tools. Mac Users: Older Mac users may require an update to access the updated cloud site as outlined here. No-Boil Brewing Kits for New and Old BrewersBoth MoreBeer and Pinter have released no-boil brewing kits to appeal to new brewers as well as casual brewers who might not have a full day to brew all grain. I recently did an interview with Chris Graham from More Beer as well as Danny Monnot from Pinter on their kits and you can read more about both on my blog here. I'm always pushing to get more people into home brewing, and hope these kits might be attractive Christmas gifts for a friend or family member. Pinter provided a discount code 'BeerSmith49' as well for $100 off their base system. The Hop Control Web ToolI recently wrote a blog post on the new Hop Control web tool created by Enrico and Giulio Mollica. It is basically a large hop database, hop comparison tool and recipe analysis tool to help evaluate hop flavor and aroma for beer. I've been working with them to incorporate some of these features into a future version of BeerSmith, but I also reviewed their existing tool here along with a discount code they provided for those interested. Recent Blog PostsRecent Podcasts |