Beer Recipe Design on iPhone/iPad?
I'm pleased to announce the release of BeerSmith Mobile for iPhone and iPad. BeerSmith Mobile brings full recipe design and editing to your iPhone or iPad, and joins last week's versions released for Android and Kindle Fire.
BeerSmith mobile includes seamless recipe integration via the cloud site so you can drop a recipe in your cloud folder on your desktop, and edit it from your phone or tablet on the go!
BeerSmith Mobile Overview
BeerSmith mobile gives you the ability to fully edit recipes, equipment profiles, mash profiles, ingredients as well as a full brewday recipe timer. It also has features for scaling recipes, adjusting bitterness, style guide comparison, the ability to save equipment profiles form your desktop and more.
Want to Learn More? - Visit the BeerSmith Mobile features page here
Pricing and Availability
BeerSmith Mobile is available at a sale price of $7.99 (20% off) until the end of June. After that the price will be raised to its normal level of $9.99. It is available now for iPhone, iPad, Android phones and tablets and the Kindle Fire. I'm also working on an "in-app" purchase option for existing BeerSmith lite users who want the additional functionality for the difference in price.
Thank you again for your continued support!
Brad Smith Follow BeerSmith on Twitter and Facebook |