[BSHB] BeerSmith June News - And the Barley Crusher Goes to...

June 16th, 2010 at 9:55 pm EDT

  BeerSmith Home Brewing

The June BeerSmith Newsletter

 I would like to personally thank you again for signing up for the BeerSmith newsletter.  It has been great hearing from many of you who emailed or responded to the newsletter since I started it last month.

So Who Won the Barley Crusher?

I won't delay the first bit of news as I have received several emails in the last 24 hours asking who won the Barley Crusher drawing held on 15 June 2010?

The winner (picked at random) was John Knoop of Draper Utah - he gets a 7lb Barley Crusher malt mill shipped directly to his house.

I also picked 10 others at random to receive free registration codes for BeerSmith, though I'm still awaiting permission from them to use their names.

Giving Another Barley Crusher Away?

Yes, since the drawing for the first one was popular and also since Randy from BC Enterprises gives me a great deal on these, I'm going to give another 7lb Barley Crusher away by random drawing on 15 September 2010.

As an email subscriber you are already entered - I will pick at random from the registered subscribers on 15 September 2010.  You can see the full rules here.

Summer Wit

One of my favorite summer beers - makes 5 gallons:

  • 4.5 lb Pale Malt (Belgian)
  • 4.5 lb Wheat, Flaked
  • 1 oz Goldings (5% alpha) - boil for 60 min
  • 3/4 oz Coriander Seed (cracked - boil for 5 min)
  • 3/4 oz Bitter Orange Peel (Boil for 5 min)
  • 1 pkg Belgian Wit Ale Yeast (White Labs WLP400)


What's Brad Up to Now?

I've been hard at work on BeerSmith 2.0, which I hope to release late this year.  Its a complete rewrite of the program to support both PC and Mac.  I'm taking time off to finish it late this summer.

I've also finished the rough draft for my first home brewing book which is based on articles from the blog.  I have it at the editor now and hope to have it available on Amazon late this summer.

Some Recent Articles

If you missed some of our recent posts over the last month here are the links to them:


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