[BSHB] BeerSmith Fall Newsletter

November 20th, 2014 at 1:09 pm EDT

BeerSmith Home Brewing News

BeerSmith Fall Newsletter

The 2014-2015 brewing season is upon us and I thought I would drop you a note regarding some of the things going on with BeerSmith!

BeerSmith Mobile and Desktop Updates

Yes - I'm hard at work on the next set of BeerSmith Mobile and BeerSmith Desktop.  I'm planning a quick mobile update to address security and platform issues, followed by a desktop update in the Spring with new features.  Then another mobile update late Spring,  New ideas are welcome as I'm programming again now.

How to Brew Videos with John Palmer - Available Now!

As I wrote earlier, John Palmer and I finished our How to Brew All Grain video a few weeks ago, which joins the How to Brew with Malt Extract released in July.  These are simply the finest videos available for those looking to get into all grain or for friends just starting with extract brewing - and make a great holiday gift.

FastFerment Conical Fermenter - only $99

I recently teamed up with the folks who make FastRack to offer their new FastFerment Conical Fermenter for a great price - starting at $99.  For those looking to step up to the advantages of conicals including the ability to harvest yeast, reduced chance of infection and the ability to ferment in a single tank this is a great deal.  I have one now and really have enjoyed it!

Recent Articles from the BeerSmith Blog

Recent BeerSmith Podcast Episodes

Note that you can also listen to the podcasts streaming 24/7 on BeerSmith.com/Radio from your computer or mobile device.  We're now approaching 1.5 million total downloads of the podcast!

Thank you again for your continued support!


Brad Smith
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