[BSHB] BeerSmith 3 is Here!

June 18th, 2018 at 10:00 am EDT
BeerSmith Home Brewing News
BeerSmith 3 is Here!
I'm pleased to announce the release of BeerSmith 3 for Windows and Mac. The new version has support for Beer, Mead, Wine and Cider and also a variety of new features for beer brewers.

Discount Pricing on BeerSmith 3 Through 30 June 2018
If you are considering an upgrade from BeerSmith 2 or an new purchase of BeerSmith 3, I encourage you to take advantage of the discount pricing available through 30 June.

There are four levels of license available at prices starting as low as $9.95 US.  It's a great price on a great piece of software!

I've also posted a detailed features article and video tutorials for BeerSmith 3 with more coming - check out the BeerSmith web site for more info.

Finally, many have asked about Linux and Mobile support.  I'm planning a BeerSmith Mobile 3 update for late July and Ubuntu Linux release also for late July.

Thank you again for your continued support!

Brad Smith
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