Subject: Are you ready for your 2nd class in "Becoming Abundance? A few questions for consideration.

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Dear Friend,

Our second Becoming Abundance session is this Saturday, June 26 at 10 a.m. EDT.  Please let me know if you will not be able to attend.  Thank you.

In preparation, please read and consider the following:

Have you been noticing how Abundance is already in your life, expressing itself to you in a multitude of ways? 

This Saturday, June 26, we're going to begin by sharing all the ways abundance is already appearing in your life.  If you haven't noticed any increase in abundance, then consider these questions as you think back over the two weeks since our first class.

Don't just answer "yes" or "no."  Make a note of the experience and what it meant to you, how you felt, and whether you thanked yourself and the Universe for the experience.

1_ Have you found any unexpected money?  In a pocket?  On the street?  When you balanced your checking account?  Other places?

2_ Have you made a new friend or reconnected with someone in your life whom you like and haven't talked to or seen in years?

3_ Has someone given you a gift?

4_ Have you given yourself a gift?

5_ Have you found an opportunity to share some abundance with others?  Made a charitable donation?  Taken time to sit and visit with someone who's lonely?  Other possibilities?

6_ Have you spent time in nature and connected with it's abundant flow?

7_ Have you done something new or unexpected that helped you feel more abundant in your life?

Abundance is everywhere around you, but most importantly, you are in it and it is inside you!

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See you in class!


Nedda Wittels9 Knollwood CircleSimsbury, CT 06070United States
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