Subject: What is on your beading mat today?

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Hello Happy Beaders!

What’s on your agenda today? I’m working on a tubular peyote rope, but it's progressing at a snail’s pace. While I was sorting through my beads, I uncovered a bunch of started ideas for projects—like finding forgotten treasure maps of creative ideas. I was also going through old instructions I have collected from past guest teachers that I had at the shop. Some of the older instructions like from 2005 didn’t include a picture of the project anywhere and sometimes not even the artist's name. The instructions were often cryptic, with very few diagrams. I’m tempted to tackle one of these projects with no idea of what I am making.or the end result. It’s incredible to see how far we’ve come in terms of clarity, resources, and designs. I still remember one of the first guest teachers at the shop showing us how to create peyote tubes that were then strung up with a 4mm bi-cone between for a bracelet. It’s amazing to reflect on how much beading has evolved once again!

I know that a lot of people feel like Cubic Right Angle Weave is very difficult. I did a youtube video some time back and I would like anyone who needs to learn cubic to check it out and let me know if it helped them. I still think it is a very easy stitch. 4 steps, with 2 being the same. you just have to remember a little sequence. Let me know! Make it a great day!


Some examples of kits using Cubic RAW.

Peyote with a pattern

Me on an outing with my Bead Easy! Small Traveler.

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