Subject: What bead projects are you working on?

Hello Happy Beaders!, It's amazing what a tiny drop in the temperature does to your spirits! I'm feeling like yes.. there could be an end to the horrid heat..

I wanted to remind everyone that we have new store hours and are open till 5:30 on Thursdays!

The new class calendar is up on the Crystal Creations Bead Institute web site.

One of the classes that is up is the Bead Embroidered Pendant. You can use glass, stone or polymer cabs. I have a selection of my polymer cabs that are Free (one per student) for class use. It's a fun class

**We have a small amount of 15/o delicas, and toho 11/o aikos left in stock that we will be selling at a reduced bulk price. If you are interested please email.


Classes at the Bead Institute

Are you wanting to advance your bead weaving techniques?

We can make custom classes!

Technique Tuesday papers are free to down load. Handy References for beading!

This kit uses 5 different colors of 2mm Czech Pearls!

Have you Tried the Patent Pending Bead Easy System Yet? Magnetic movable cups, in a travel case along with accessories. Make your beading easier!

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