Subject: WOW!! Round 1 Closing Shortly...

Hi Friend,

I hope you're having a fantastic evening.

I would just like to say that I've had a number of e-mails in the past 48h and I'm replying!

If I don't get back to you tonight, I promise to do so in the morning.

Just a word of warning for those who are still interested.

Round 1 of sign-ups to my challenge closes at 00:00 tonight (3h20 minutes times at the time of writing this e-mail).

If you sign up tonight, you're joining at the LOWEST possible price for the rest of the football season.

I'll be closing new sign ups after midnight and re-open later in the week if you're still interested.

Visit the Web Site - Jump on board before 00:00!!

Go direct to the payments page: Click Here

Thank you and Best Regards
James B.