Subject: 4 Tips to save more💸

4 Tips to save more💸

March 9th, 2022 at 11:12 am WAT

www.basscommnigeria.comHello!We understand that you're wondering why we are concerned about your savings, but not to worry, we just care a lot about you. The world economy today is fairly favourable and a lot of people are finding themselves spending ...

Tired of The Fuel Scarcity? This is For You!

March 2nd, 2022 at 12:04 pm WAT    Guess what? Our solar panels have a 25-year durability assurance, and we have flexible payment and maintenance plans. It can be very queuing up for hours in fueling stations because you want to ...

Happy New Month!

March 1st, 2022 at 9:35 am WAT  Happy New Month!   Welcome to a month of great exploits. Whatever seems unachievable is waiting for your conquering.  March on, the bag is yours for the win!   

This is what you DESERVE!

February 23rd, 2022 at 9:35 am WAT

This is what you deserve! Hello,You deserve a 24hours non-stop power supply. Yes, you do! No one deserves to stay a minute without power. We all know how the day can get when NEPA refuses to restore the light.There's a solution for you. Get a solar ...

A Gift For You💌

February 14th, 2022 at 12:57 pm WAT    Our gift to you      Good news!! Since it's Valentine's Day, we've decided to show you how important you are to us by creating this deal. All solar consultations t ...

Reduced electricity bill for your business

February 11th, 2022 at 9:17 am WAT Solar energy is an environmentally friendly energy alternative, but that's not all there is to solar energy. Solar energy is also a pocket-friendly energy alternative, especially when paying for electricity at industrial utili ...

Happy Birthday Ma!!

February 9th, 2022 at 8:56 am WAT

  HappyBirthday Ma! Hip hip hurray!    It brings us great joy to be wishing you a very happy birthday. You are inspirational and we’re lucky to have you as one of our own. Our wishes for you are abundant love, j ...


February 8th, 2022 at 9:39 am WAT

View online   It is the season of love. Do you know the best things in life are free? Absolutely!!!One of which is SOLAR POWER! Yea, that's right, you saw right.Solar power is a free source of energy. The sun provides us with ...


February 7th, 2022 at 12:00 pm WAT

 The good news is finallyHERE!   Hello, Last month, we told you about something special coming your way. We are glad to announce to you that the wait is finally over. The good news is here. This week we are officially launching ou ...

Happy Birthday Sir!!

February 5th, 2022 at 10:47 am WAT

  HappyBirthday Sir! Hip hip hurray!    It brings us great joy to be wishing you a very happy birthday. You are inspirational and we’re lucky to have you as one of our own. Our wishes for you are abundant love, ...