The city of Lagos is known to be among the busiest in the world; it is customary for most people to leave their homes very early in the morning and return late at night; there is barely enough time for dinner or family bonding; most people go straight to their beds when they finally return home.
Sandra who is known to be a meticulous person lives in Lagos. Regardless of how much her body asks for rest, she will definitely plays dumb until she has executed all in her ‘to-do list’. Though she leaves the office at 10pm and sometimes 10:30pm, yet she endeavors taking care of her husband and her 3 year old son to her very best.
On a certain day, the Board of Directors decided to appraise her work, which led to her promotion, from an Executive Director to a Managing Director.

She saw her dream come into reality right before her face. "Hard work really pays" she murmured to her self as she reflected on her background and all she had to sacrifice to get to her new position.
She was so excited and came home earlier than usual to share the good news with her family. She prepared a soothing dinner that befits the news that she intends sharing with her family, with the assistance of her son’s nanny. Her husband; Samuel wasn’t home yet, which made it perfect as she intends surprising him.
Being a nice and hardworking woman, Sandra dismissed the nanny as she felt  confident to handle things from that point.
“You can go home dear, I have everything covered” Sandra said
“Ok ma, Thank you” her nanny responded as she headed for the door

The Tragedy
The Tragedy began as the nanny walked only a few distance from the house. Sandra decided to check on Donald who was bored upstairs,

but suddenly discovered the pancake she left to heat a little had over fried and now burnt beyond recognition, the handle of the frying pan had thawed out. She quickly grabbed a towel to transfer it  to a cooler spot but it fell on the floor accidentally, and her towel touched the fire which caused it to flame up. She dashed to get water to quench the fire but it kept spreading as a result of the oil that had poured.

Immediately she perceived she couldn’t control it, she reached out for her son who was already choking as a result of the smoke, grabbed her credit card from the drawer and hurried to the door.

The fire had escalated towards the staircase, through the cables and she became entirely confuse. 

She reached out to call her husband but his phone was switched off. As she attempted to reach her brother on phone, her telephone dropped through the window. 

“I finally figured out that not every crisis can be managed. As much as we want to keep ourselves safe, we can't protect ourselves from everything. If we want to embrace life, we also have to embrace chaos.”

― Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Breathing Room

You are not as careful as you think. You only know you are safe when you have taken several steps to ensure safety. With a fire detection system, Sandra could have taken precaution early enough if she had an integrated fire detection system installed in her home.

An integrated systems solution begins with a life-safety information management platform suited to your needs, infrastructure and applications. ONESOURCE has the right technology platform which will enable you manage a number of complex systems seamlessly, effectively and efficiently. It can expedite the delivery of data and facilitate quick response and effective incident management across your life-safety systems, which includes access control, intrusion, video surveillance, fire detection and alarm, and emergency communications. Our products are highly rated; from one of the best manufacturers of fire alarm devices.
It may also interest you to know that we religiously adhere to the health, safety and environmental policy as your safety is our priority. All our employees who are involved in Quality System implementation are consistently trained to memorize Quality Policy and maintain these results, to implement Quality System and all decisions related to Quality System based on customer’s requirements. We make endless innovative efforts to serve customers from the customer’s perspective.
ONESOURCE SYSTEM INTEGRATOR just completed an installation of fire detection system on a magnificient building called CIVIC TOWER in the city of Lagos, Nigeria.

Since its incorporation, ONESOURCE has earned specialty in offering services in Engineering, Electronic Security, maintenance, Trading, design and integration for Extra Low Voltage systems.


6 Otuyelu Close Okupe Estate, Maryland, Lagos
 Phone: +2347057151678 +2347036274950
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