Researches made on the number of cars in the world some time ago was estimated to about 1.2 billion. However, this figure cannot be regarded as the accurate data as of now due to the rapidly increasing number of car owners. Everyone now owns a car or wants to own a car.

Hence, it has therefore become necessary to develop technologies to manage the movements and arrangement of cars within a facility. With the increased number of car owners, cars at facilities, if not manage could lead to disorganisation and could eventually cause chaos within the facility.

Vehicle management system is a term that encompasses smart, forward thinking usage and tracking of all car movements. It is a system that provides management functions such as allowing companies remove or minimize risk associated with vehicle individuals.

Our Vehicle management system encompasses the following functions:

Vehicle Detection

Parking Detection

Counting Function

Payment Function

Traffic control Function

Vehicle management systems we install provides solutions to

1.       Congested entrances and exists

2.       Difficulty finding available parking space

3.       Difficulty in locating vehicles parked in large parking areas

4.       No stored images of video of security events.

As the leading supplier and installer of vehicle management systems in Nigeria, we at Onesource possess the capability to integrate systems like Automatic Rising Kerbs, Boom Barriers, and Hydraulic Bollards into an access control system which gives the security officials in control rooms full access to totally control and restrict cars movements into a facility.

For more enquiries on our vehicle management systems, call us on 07037756555 or send an email to