Subject: Tired of the Hike in Electricity Bill?

Hello there,


It’s weekend already, it is time to spend the most moments with family. Are you tired of spending your weekend in the dark due to poor electricity? Do you have a generator but you are afraid to face the long queue in the fueling station or the hike in the price of fuel? Have you ever thought of having stable electricity without stressing yourself? If so, here’s why having a solar system installed is the preferable choice for you.  


  • Renewable and Sustainable: Solar energy is a renewable energy source, it is inexhaustible and can be used as long as the sun exists. This makes it a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels, which are finite and contribute to climate change.

  • Reduces Electricity Bills: You can reduce your electricity bills significantly by generating your own electricity. Sometimes solar panel system produces more energy than you consume, this energy can then be stored over time. With solar power, you will spend #120 - #150kwh while with the national grid you will spend #225kwh.

  • Low Maintenance Costs: Solar systems come with long-term warranty, and they require very little maintenance. Regular cleaning and occasional inspection are typically all that's needed to ensure they operate efficiently.


With just a click you can own a solar system and save yourself from the hike price of fuel and electricity bills. 

To get a solar system today just click on the button below.