Subject: Keeping Your Facilities Safe Against Coronavirus

tools for early detection
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As the world continue to battle to curtail the spread of the deadly Coronavirus,  measures and solutions to tame the spread continue to be the prevalent issue in the mind of tech developers.

Progress has been made in the area of screening to detect careers so as to stop the spread. Thermal Imaging cameras and walk – through detectors have shown to be the most accurate and advanced of all the other detection machines available.


In the most basic of terms, thermal imaging cameras allow you to see an object’s heat radiating off itself. Thermal cameras more or less record the temperature of various objects in the frame, and then assign each temperature a shade of a colour, which lets you see how much heat its radiating compared to objects around it.

Since one the major symptoms of Covid-19 is fever which is associated with high body temperature (about 100.4 F (38 C) of over) it make it easy for these camera and walk-through detector to detect individuals with temperature around this mark and have them run through a proper medical check to determine their status. With this, early detection will be guaranteed and further spread will be reduced to the barest minimum.

These Thermal cameras and walk-through detector can have key applications use in Banks, Airports, Schools, Religious Houses, Government parastatals, Hospitals, Malls and Arenas and other public places that have large turnout of crowd.

You can have a look of some our Thermal Imaging Cameras and Walk-through Detectors Here.


Or you can reach us on how to get one for your facilities or enquiries about its installations Here

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