Subject: Join the current Trend of technology with Onesource!!




There is no doubt that the world is currently on a technological race. Technological inventions keep evolving to provide man with the ease needed to carry on with his daily task and also to maximise his yields. One of such technological inventions deployed to achieve the fore mentioned benefits is the Building Management System (BMS).

A Building management system is a micro-processor based system which centralizes and simplifies controlling, monitoring, operation and management of all systems to achieve a safe and comfortable working environment. It is a system used to control the electrical and mechanical services in a facility using a computer based controlled system.


Our building management system has to do with integration ranging from HVAC systems, Fire and smoke systems, lighting and surveillance system, plumbing and many other systems into a single control point. Wouldn’t be amazing to all of these from a single system? Onesource can provide you with that.

Some of the benefits you enjoy from installing our Building Management Systems include:

  •  A reduced operating cost through energy optimization across sub-systems.

  • ·         Early detection and alerts for Preventive maintenance.

  • ·         Increased staff productivity

  • ·       · Automatic opening of shutters during emergencies

  • ·     ·     Easy supervision of facilities

  • ·     ·     Automatic tracking of performance