Subject: How to Increase Your Life Span

Edition 1  Volume 2  2016
Electrical Grounding Systems helps  Protects you and  and Your Property
 Americans have had 80 years to celebrate Hoover Dam’s high-rolling hydroelectric chutzpah. He and his dazzling companion; the Mike O’Callaghan-Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge, represent a century of high-stakes engineering and construction work in this 1,500-foot stretch of Colorado River.

He was faced with difficulties at three (3) major stages of the constructions but he never gave up until he achieved his dream.

Just as Hoover Dam, We can bring your illusions into a reality if you let us. We are that work! Click here to know us better!

For your urgent enquiries, please contact us on or 07057151678

As part of our many areas of expertise, we excellently install Electrical Grounding Solutions to willing customers.

Electrical grounding may have originally been considered only as a safety measure but with today’s advances in electronics and technology, electrical grounding has become an essential part of everyday electricity. Computers, televisions, microwave ovens, fluorescent lights and many other electrical devices, generate lots of “electrical noise” that can damage equipment and cause it to work less efficiently. Proper grounding can not only remove this unwanted “noise” but can even make surge protection devices work better.
 There different types of grounding but we would look at one today which is most commonly used. It is the

High- resistance grounding. High-resistance grounding (HRG) systems are commonly used in plants and mills where continued operation of processes is paramount in the event of a fault. And some of its advantages are as follows:

Limits the ground fault current to a low level.
• Reduces electric shock hazards.
• Controls transient over voltages.
• Reduces the mechanical stresses in circuits and equipment.
• Maintains continuity of service.
• Reduces the line voltage drop caused by the occurrence and clearing of a ground fault.

Watch out for our next edition, where we will bring to your knowledge the other types of grounding systems and how it relates to your business.

How to Protect your Ears
Most cases of deafness are caused by damage to the tiny hair cells in
the inner ear. This damage can be caused by too much noise, and it’s permanent. Noise-related hearing loss is usually irreversible.

Here are 5 tips to help you protect your ears:
  • Don't Blast Your Inner Ear With Music
  • Never stick anything inside your ear canal
  • Quit smoking and keep your blood sugar in check
  • Avoid loud environments
  • Check out noise-reducing headphones.

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

Benjamin Franklin, Memoirs of the life & writings of Benjamin Franklin

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