Subject: Fire Hydrant in your Facility- Appreciate the Benefits

Edition 1 Volume 5 2016
Fire Hydrant in your Facility- Appreciate the Benefits

A fire hydrant system comprises of an arrangement of pipe work that is directly connected to the main water supply to give water to all hydrant outlets. It has several benefits which include:
·        Easy and instant availability of water at strategic places in the premise and at required pressure for fire fighting
·        Quick response during a fire
·        Easy to operate
·        Self dependent
·        Insurance benefits  
BASSCOMMM is an expert in the installation of fire hydrant system at your facility. Call 09037756555 or send us an email at
In order to have a working fire hydrant system there are several components that should be in place:
  • Available water supply and storage – This can be from street main water pipes, a static water tank or a dam. There should be some form of automatic replenishment of any water that is used, evaporates or leaks. Consider the capacity of the water supply and whether it would be adequate to address a large fire.
Valves and connecting pipes – The pipes and valves should allow water to flow from the water reservoir to the hydrant area without restrictions. The size of the pipes and valves should be determined based on the water supply requirements and a hydraulic analysis along with Australian Standards guidelines from AS2419.
Fire Brigade Booster – This assembly will allow a quick and easy connection for the fire brigade equipment to pump additional water into the hydrant. In normal installations the booster is located in a cabinet and notes any pressure specifications in accordance with the fire hydrant system.
  • Fire Hose – Depending on the building design and hydrant accessibility, there could be some situations that require laying a flat fire hose to be placed near the hydrant. This will allow quick connectivity and extended reach if needed for a fire emergency.

  • Booster Pumpset – This piece of equipment can be used where there are hydraulic limitations and additional pressure is needed to deliver adequate water supply. The pumpset can be an electric motor or a diesel engine, depending on the requirements for the location.
  • Hydrant – This is the part of the system that connects fire hoses to the water supply and has a valve to turn the water on or off when needed. The location of the hydrants should be determined based on Australian Standard AS2419, which will specify easily accessible locations to attack any fires quickly.
  • Block Plan – Located in the booster cabinet, pump room and fire control room should be a block plan diagram that clearly illustrates the locations of fire hydrants, water supplies, and other equipment along with capacities where applicable. Other key information such as year of installation, contractor names and other items are also included in the block plan.
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Health Safety Environment
  • Installing an adequate number of suitable smoke alarms and testing them regularly is the first step in your home fire safety plan.
  • Having a written escape plan in case of fire and practicing it regularly.
  • Make sure keys to all locked doors are readily accessible in case you need to escape.
  • Never leave cooking or any other open flame including candles or oil burners unattended.
  • Clean the lint filter of your clothes dryer each and every time you use it.
  • Never smoke in bed and take extra care if consuming alcohol whilst smoking.
  • In Winter take extra care when using heaters, electric blankets or open fires.
  • Don’t overload power points and switch off appliances when not in use.
  • Always keep lighters and matches away from children and educate them that they are “tools not toys” to only be used by responsible adults.
  • If you have a garage or shed remember to take extra care with any stored chemicals and fuels and always refuel mowers, edgers etc when they are cold and in the open.
  • If you have a gas, electric or wood BBQ always check that it is in safe working order before lighting and that it is always in the care of a responsible adult when in use.
  • If you live in a bushfire prone area keep the ground around your home clear of leaves and other litter and remember to clean your gutters regularly.


“People often believed they were safer in the light, thinking monsters only came out at night. But safety – like light – is a façade.”
― C.J. Roberts, Captive in the Dark

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