Subject: Barter West Changes

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Just a few changes...

Happy Independence Week! Since other groups get whole months to celebrate, I'm claiming this whole week as a time to remember our freedom, and all the people who paid the price to give it us, and all those who continue to fight even today to keep it this way.

I love America! God Bless America!

A few changes to the fee structure have been made, and this is to help us keep our Barter West membership alive and healthy.

One Simple Membership

New Member Enrollment $50 cash + $50 trade

(Industry Standard is upwards of $500 cash)

Annual Renewal $10 Cash + $10 trade

(Industry Standard is $100/ year)

No monthly fees

(Industry Standard is $10-$25 per month)

Trade Transaction fee: 3.5% cash + 3.5% trade

(Industry Standard is 7-12%)

250 No Interest Trade Credit Line

(fees will go against this credit line until trade dollars are earned)

Referral Bonus when you help bring on a new member

As you can see, Barter West's fees are FAR below the industry standard.  Many others in the industry have advised me strongly against this, but I have to do what's right for my members. I didn't get into this to get rich. I started this exchange to help people. And that's what I will continue to strive to do.

If you're an existing member, please make sure your credit card on file is updated. If you're ready to join, simply reply to this email and I'll get you set up with the new fees.

Blessed trading,

<>< Susie Larson


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