Subject: Here's a Free short-story gift! And come see me May 1 at Great Skate.

Hello Friends!


As a member of my Reader’s Fan Club, I want to let you know that I really appreciate you. I’m getting all kinds of positive feedback on The. Hoosier. Girl. Sales aren’t as fast as I would like them to be and reviews on Amazon and Goodreads are like pulling teeth, but it’s all good. So far I have 3 ratings of 5 stars. Everything takes time. I’ve started doing some Facebook ads. Maybe you’ve seen them or perhaps they’ve even brought you here. Welcome either way!


As a way of showing how special you are to me and how much I really appreciate you, I’m going to start sharing my different writings with you. As members of my Readers Fan Club you’ll be the first to read some and perhaps the only to read others. Today I like to share with you one of my short stories. It’s titled “Trick or Treatin’ Jesus Christ” It’s a humorous, fictious, short read about a boy growing up Christian in a Halloween world. I think you’ll find it funny and entertaining. I wrote it several years ago and it even won an “Honorable Mention” in some Missouri writer’s contest, I forget exactly which one now. 


Here’s the link to the page with the story. It’s not currently out to the public but it will be one of these days. Enjoy the exclusivity of it and let me know your thoughts about it. (or any of my written works)


In addition to writing the sequel to The. Hoosier. Girl. called The. Vagina. Hunter. I’m always working on other writings. I’m currently about 15,000 words into a book that I believe is like no other book ever written and has the potential to change not only the world of literature but the world around us…for the better. I’ll keep you informed when I’m going to release it. Which will be sooner, than later. I believe this world is quickly spiraling down the toilet and someone has to step up and present answers and resolutions to all the craziness that’s going on. I believe I’m the person to do that and I possess the knowledge, courage and creativity to do it. You’ll be the first to see if I’m right!!


On a lighter note. I hope everyone is able to attend my book launch party which is this Sat. May 1, 8:30 pm at Great Skate in O’Fallon, MO. The event info is here: I’ll be bringing paperback copies of The. Hoosier. Girl and selling them for $14 (cash or check). Which is about $9 cheaper than buying it and having it sent to you via Amazon. Of course, I’ll be signing them too if you want. There is a $10 cover to get into Great Skate, but I figure you’re saving $9 dollars on the book, so it’s sort of a wash. 

And for all my beta readers who attend the party, I’ll have your free, signed copy too! (or I can send it to you if you can’t make it. Let me know either way) Thank you for all your help and feedback.


Don’t forget to register for the $300 gift card and free signed book that I’ll be giving away at the party! I can’t stress enough that in order to win you have to do more than just register via the form. You have to also follow my other social medias and share the picture. I will be verifying that all the requirements are met before I give the prize away. I would really, really hate to draw a name only to see that they haven’t completed all the requirements. So please go to and make sure you’ve completed them all.


Oh, and while I’m thinking of it, if you do come to the party and buy a book and have it signed, please tell me your name. I correspond with lots of people on Facebook and many I haven’t seen in years. I’m usually good with faces and names but sometimes, the old ticker fails me. Please don’t feel offended if I don’t remember your name.


And finally, I would like to keep growing my Reader Fan Club. If you find any value in any of my book(s), newsletters, short stories or other creativity, please share them with your friends and family and tell them to join my Reader Fan Club. That would be so incredibly awesome and appreciated.


Thank you for your precious attention and time,

