Subject: Book Release Party and Pushed Back Launch Date

Hello Friends!


The past month has been really exciting and crazy to say the least. Self-publishing a book is a lot more intense and harder than I thought. Not only am I the author, but also the marketing manager, web-developer, graphic artist, social media manager and researcher. Oh, and all those hats are worn before and after I work my full-time day job as Harry The Handyman. 


That is why I’m having to postpone the release date of "The. Hoosier. Girl." to April 14, 2021. I’ll also be pushing back the drawing date of the $300 Barnes and Noble Gift Card and autograph copy to April 3, 2021. Why April 3?


Well, if everything goes as planned, that’s going to be the date of my book release party which is going to take place at the Great Skate Roller Rink in O’Fallon, Missouri. Since major parts of the book are set in Aloha Roller Rink, I thought Great Skate would be a fabulous place to have a book release party. I actually shot the cover of the book at Great Skate and was amazed to discover the owner’s wife used to work at Aloha back about the time the book takes place. How crazy is that!!! They have an adult skate night once a month and the next one is April 3, so we’re working out the details to see if it’s possible to have the party that night too. Of course, all the safety precautions will be in place. Stay tuned for more details.


Meanwhile, I’m really excited to announce that you can pre-order the ebook version of “The. Hoosier. Girl.” on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Apple Books and many other platforms depending on your ebook reader. Here’s a one stop shop link.


However, for the Kindle ebooks you’ll need to go straight to Amazon. It’s really cool to go to Amazon and search your name and have it pull up your book. Next goal: walk into a bookstore and see my book sitting on their “Debut Author” bookshelf.

For those of you who haven't entered my book release contest (or have), please make sure you’ve completed all 4 requirements to successfully entire the $300 Barnes and Noble gift card give-away. (Details can be found at I’ll be drawing the winner at the book release party and verifying that he/she has completed each requirement. If not, unfortunately, I’ll have to move on to the next person. I’d really hate to do that. I appreciate everyone who reads this newsletter and look forward to hopefully seeing my local friends at the book release party.


Much thanks,
