Subject: I need your help today! I may be returning to Ithra in 2020!

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I need your help today! 
I may be returning to Ithra in 2020! đź’–

Hi Friend,
It was my deep pleasure to come to Ithra and teach writing in 2019.

To those of you I taught during the recent Tanween Creativity Fesitival, I will be sending my follow up goodies soon. I had to get over jet lag.

Good news!

Now I'm about to send in my proposals for the January to June 2020 semester.

And I need your help to make sure I offer courses you'd like. Of course, it's up to the Ithra team to pick what they'd like. 

I do need your answer by today Wednesday, November 6, 6am your time, which will be Tuesday, November 5, 8pm Pacific time for me, because I need to get my workshop proposals in few hours after that.

I'm crafting two types of workshops and would love your input and ideas on both types.

Question: Do you like these ideas and what else would you like? Let me know as soon as you can. And I thank you SO much for your help.

1. The next level of the workshop I've previously conducted for Ithra. As I've done several beginner level workshops, I've been asked to propose the intermediate level this time.

My ideas:
  • An editing workshop on the first chapter on your novel
  • A critique workshop on your hero's journey outline
  • A critique workshop on your story outline from Plan Your Novel
  • What else?
2. Ithra would also like me to propose new ideas as well, since there is no theme to their semester. They would like me to get as creative as I like. Hurrah!
I welcome all your ideas and suggestions, though I may not be able to craft proposals for all of them.

Thanks again for your help!

One last thing -- If you're connected to other students on the course, please let them know about this request. You're welcome to forward this email to them. For some reason, I didn't get everyone's emails -- or I was unable to properly decipher some people's handwriting. Thank you!!!!!

Is anyone doing NaNoWriMo?

Are you participating in National Novel Writing Month:

It's a free challenge to write a 50,000-word novel.

If you are, hit reply and let me know!

Also you're invited into Fellowship of the Pen, a Facebook group, to share and get support during Nanowrimo and beyond.

Go here to request to join: 


Happy Writing!


PS. Remember -- please give me your input by Wednesday, November 6, 6am your time, which will be Tuesday, November 5, 8pm Pacific time, because I need to get my workshop proposals in few hours after that.

PPS. Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Where do you like to hang out online?

Barany School of Fiction
*Empowering novelists to get writing, get marketing, and get publishing!*

Perhaps you know a friend who would like to write a novel. Encourage them to write! 

And if you're so moved, invite them to visit the courses at Barany School of Fiction or check out the free 5-day Writer Discovery course here: Thanks!

Now more than ever, the world needs all of our stories.

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c. 2019 Beth Barany, Creativity Coach for Writers,

We are your guides during these courses...

Beth and Ezra Barany are award-winning, best-selling novelists, who have worked with over 500 authors to help them get their books written and published.

♥ Happily married for over 20 years, we’re passionate about writing, storytelling, and guiding authors to achieve their dreams.

We offer coaching, consulting, and trainings to story tellers and novelists. Contact us for a complimentary discovery session today.

Beth Barany is a writing coach and teacher who helps fiction writers experience clarity, so that they can write, polish and proudly publish their novels, to the delight of their readers.
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