Subject: [60-Day Novel] Call #7 replay is posted!

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Call #7 replay posted!

November 17, 2021

The 7th call replay is up here:

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Next steps: Continue to write your novel.

and will be emailed to you each Monday.

You're also invited to our twice-weekly writing sprints, hosted by one of our teachers, Ann Woodford. So keep an eye out for those.

Hit reply and let me know. 

While Ezra and Ann will host and teach the live calls and be available for all your questions there, I will be supporting you via email and the course So post any and all curriculum questions there. 

Email me any other questions, like related to tech or anything else.

REMINDER: 1-1 Support! 

Take advantage of the extra support!

I'm offering 15-minute check in calls for everyone in the class, more than one :) 

Ways to use this call
We can chat about your creative process; you can talk out an idea or issues with writer's block; or just ask questions.

Email me to schedule your chat before class ends.

My schedule is pretty flexible. I can do some evening calls, though am not available weekends. I'm in the Pacific time zone.

Also, those of you with a 1-1 bonus call, and not on the calendar already, be sure to schedule yours before November.
Happy Writing!

Barany School of Fiction
*Empowering novelists to get writing, get marketing, and get publishing! And have fun too!*

Now more than ever, the world needs all of our stories -- all of us.

c. 2021 Beth Barany, Creativity Coach for Writers,

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Mastering Deep Point of View (editor/publisher)
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