Subject: The Secret to Having Time for You

The Secret to Having Time for You

October 30th, 2018 at 12:38 pm CDT

Hi Friend, Being a mother is wonderful. Until you realize that your child relies on you solely, as does your business and your spouse. That’s a lot of responsibility! I'm working on some new content about working moms that comes out next week, bu ...

Enjoyable Moments Are For Moms Too!

October 29th, 2018 at 7:49 am CDT

Hi Friend, Once you become a Mom, you probably think enjoyment is just for single women. You figure you’ll get a good night’s sleep once your kids go to college. NOT! I'm working on some new content about working moms that comes out next week, ...

Saying NO Should Not Make You Feel Bad!

October 24th, 2018 at 12:15 pm CDT

Hi Friend, Do you want to feel less guilty for taking time for YOU? I used to justify shopping time by buying things for my children. It was okay as long as I bought something for them. As moms, we do things like this because we don’t believe we ...

Moms Can Have Fun Too!

October 23rd, 2018 at 12:05 pm CDT

Hi Friend, Do you want more enjoyment in your life as a Mom, Wife and Business Woman? I'm working on some new content about working moms that comes out next week, but I only want to send it to women who REALLY want it. So, if you DON'T want to learn ...

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