Subject: A message from Coach C. Lynn Williams

Are you a new mom? An entrepreneur? Or are you having trouble balancing your work/home and personal life?

If you are, don’t worry! We’ve all been there, trust me!

This is why I created the group, the Balanced Moms Club. It’s a space for everyday people like me and you – to vent, share and be vulnerable.

When I first started my group, FINDING SUPERWOMAN, in 2015, I had NO CLUE so many women felt like I did. As a mother of four adult children, wife, author of four parenting books, educator and motivational speaker, I was ALWAYS busy! Where did I allow time for me? I didn’t. I just knew that things had to get done, and I was always the last one on my list.

I’d spend HOURS talking to busy mothers about how to stop feeling overwhelmed and do something about it.

A LOT has changed since then. I recently started a Facebook group called BALANCED MOMS CLUB and now I have a steady stream of busy moms who want to know what it takes to gain more control over their time.

This planner will give you a taste of what it means to have control over your time and your sanity by:

  • Giving you time saving tips and organization ideas to make your day go easily
  • An hour each week in your schedule to do something just for you.

If you have any questions, make sure to ask inside my Facebook group, BALANCED MOMS CLUB. Many busy moms agree it’s the best group EVER!


C. Lynn

C. Lynn Williams, a transformational author, educator, speaker and family dynamics strategist, is specially equipped to bridge relational gaps that exist in every family. As a wife and mother to four adult children, she is personally invested in the development of strong, healthy families and has committed herself to helping others overcome the same challenges that she has faced head-on in her own life.

As a passionate voice, C. Lynn Williams offers 21st Century parenting strategies that enhance the relationships of parents and their children. 

P. O. Box 15074, Chicago, IL 60615, United States
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