Subject: Thanks! Download Your NEW 55 Page eBook Now

Use this powerful gift to strengthen your determination and you will change the way you create results.

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In today's new 55 Page eBook, you'll discover how to realign your thoughts to enable you to create positive changes in your life and achieve great success!

Ask, seek, knock.


Notice the three different senses being considered here.


ASKING is verbal; Christians are to use their mouths and petition God for their needs and desires.


- Believers are to SEEK with their minds—this is more than asking; it is a setting of priorities and a focusing of the heart.


To KNOCK involves physical movement, one in which the Christian takes action.


Although asking and seeking is of great importance, they would be incomplete without knocking.


Today, I want to hand you a missing piece of the puzzle to realign your thought.

It’s a wonderful eBook gift called 'Ask and You Shall Receive'.

Use this powerful gift to strengthen your determination and you will change the way you create results.

Download Your FREE 55 Page eBook Now

(Limited Time Only)


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