Subject: Fear NOT

When the Bible tells us, “Do not fear,” it means we are not to allow anxiety or fretfulness to rule our lives or take root in our hearts.

We are not to be people of panic. We are to be people of faith. 


Today I have a NEW Song for you.

It's called the "Fear Not!".


Learning to deal with fear is all about putting your negative thoughts in perspective. 


We tend to focus too much on the negative, so by looking at all the options, you often realize that you’re making a big deal of nothing.


The acronym F.E.A.R. stands for "False Evidence Appearing Real." 


It's a true definition of fear. It describes how our minds can weave together false tales of how situations will turn out. 


So, let's kiss fear goodbye.


Hope you will like the song I have prepared for you =)



Here's The Link to The New Song - Fear Not!




Add this song to your favorite list and ENJOY!





Have a great day!

Best Regards

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