Subject: March Newsletter: What We Can Do Together...

Join us Friday to explore your favorite collective "co-intelligence" practices...

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The Co-Intelligence Institute

March 2025 Newsletter:

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Hi all, Rosa here… sensing into what to contribute to our monthly “message in a bottle” (i.e., newsletter)

I’ll start by musing a bit on “figure” and “ground”… the “figure” being this newsletter, which we hope is of value to you (and we welcome any responses from you, as helpful feedback in this regard)

...and then there’s the “ground”; our connection as a small team of volunteers, offering you the fruits of work/play, the real time and energy and care we contribute to creating our monthly newsletters + monthly online gatherings… and how that work we do, works on us, plays with us, teases us, offering both challenges and joys, opportunities to learn and grow as we come together in a small circle, something so needed in these times…

wishing that for you, dear reader… the gift of small circles of meaningful work/connection/play… the weave of solidarity that helps keep us going, in these very challenging times.

I’m curious about, what are the circles that keep you going? We’ll be happy to compile anything you send in to us, and send it back out next month…

Join Our Community Resonance Call

Friday 9:30am PT, 12:30pm ET, 5:30pm ECT

We invite you to join us on Friday March 28th at 9:30 am Pacific, 12:30pm Eastern, 5:30pm CET to share and explore stories of your favorite ‘co-intelligent’ practices and processes.


For this month's Community Resonance Call we are excited to host an exploratory space where together we can connect around and share our favorite co-intelligent processes and practices - ones that have helped us to evoke or engage with the qualities and capacities of wholeness, wisdom, co-creativity, the creative use of diversity, deep time perspective, feeling heard, etc… to name a few.

These can be practices of processes at all scales, from the personal, collective, community, family, network, organizational, movement, economic, social, and so on. As long as they express the ‘Prime Directive’: to “appreciate, evoke and engage the wisdom and resourcefulness of the whole on behalf of the whole.”

We invite you to bring in a story of your own experience with a practice or process that has given you the felt experience of greater wisdom, wholeness and interconnection. If no practices come to mind, you're also welcome to share one that you are interested in that you may have heard or read about - one that you have created yourself, or even one that you have imagined/envisioned.

Some questions to reflect on:

What are the personal and/or collective practices or processes that help you to evoke the ‘Prime Directive’ (appreciate, evoke, and engage the wisdom and resourcefulness of the whole on behalf of the whole)?

Would you like to share a specific story you have from such a process or practice? What happened for you, what did you learn and/or how have you been changed?

What are those practices that you engage in now, or that you have experienced in the past, that have helped engage and awaken more of our collective and personal capacities for co-intelligence and wholeness?

What is it about these practices/processes that you love?

What has been meaningful, or impactful about these practices?

We are excited to connect and hear about your favorite practices!

Register below and join us on Friday, March 28th at 9:30 am Pacific, 12:30pm Eastern, 5:30pm CET for this upcoming exploration of co-intelligence practices!

What we've been appreciating...

Natalia here, reflecting on collective practices... and the healing and awakening potentials I discovered through my first experience with Social Meditation.

I discovered the practice of Social Meditation almost by accident. I had recently moved to Portland and was looking for a meditation community and place to make new friends who shared an interest in meditation, personal growth, spiritual practice and cultivating greater awareness and positive contribution to our communities.

Social Meditation popped up on a local Buddhist center calendar and was listed as hosted by the Young Meditators Group, promising to be a chance to meet like minded people and find a supportive space to strengthen my daily meditation practice. I figured it would be young people gathering to meditate silently together, and then maybe talking about meditation or Buddhism or something. But the practice turned out to be much more radical, provocative, and had so much more to offer.

When I arrived, we started with twenty minutes of silent sitting meditation before reconfiguring into a circle and receiving the “view” for the social meditation portion. This included three basic instructions and the general invitation to bring the same mindful presence and open awareness to our experience that we cultivate during silent meditation into the social sphere. The first instruction was for our bodies with the slogan: “good head and shoulders”, an invitation to maintain an upright, open and relaxed posture, to “generate a hollow torso” for whatever might arise to be felt fully, as well as to mirror our basic goodness and human dignity to all others in the circle.

The second instruction, “congruency of speech and listening” was for our “head-mind” and asked us to try to speak only from our direct experience in the present moment, and to avoid responding directly with advice or opinion-giving or judgments. We were also encouraged to listen fully with our entire being - and to notice any habits of aversion or grasping, while offering full awareness and acceptance to any feelings or sensations that might arise as we listen to others share, as we sit silently together, or as we speak into the space if we felt so moved. We were also encouraged to simply recognize patterns of judgment, awkwardness, discomfort, impatience, or to the experience of collective silence in a social space. We were invited to stay on the “dot” of the moment, and notice when we wanted to go off into concept, or thoughts of the future or past, returning to the now.

The final instruction was for our “heart-mind” and was an invitation to share with “vulnerability-bravery” - to allow ourselves to experience - and maybe even share - what we might not normally feel welcome or comfortable expressing or saying, to open ourselves to the painful, tender heart of the present moment. My first experience in that group was a mixture of excitement and terror. I did choose to speak, and I - as I later learned many do - spoke almost entirely of how intense, nervous and exposed I felt - sharing sensations of prickly skin, heat in my chest and neck, a sense of dread, and self-judgment of every word I spoke, and the strong desire to stop talking, run away and hide. Many others shared a range of experiences - some humorous and joyful, others painful and sad, and all incredibly relatable and inspiring.

The effect was profound: by the end of the first session, I felt a deep sense of connection, release, belonging and open-hearted joy. I felt real love and tenderness towards myself and the other beings I shared the space with. I also realized I had stumbled upon something incredibly powerful and profound: In this shared container with 40 mostly strangers we co-created a powerfully healing and beautiful space capable of holding anything that arose within and between us. We were able to connect with our authentic experience and the authentic experience of others without getting caught in our normal tendencies. We were able to prevent our normal social habits of judgment, hatred, fear, avoidance, dishonesty, or impatience from allowing ourselves and each other to show up in our complex, rich wholeness.

As I have continued practicing Social Meditation, eventually training to become a facilitator, I have experienced directly the profound power of collective practices like this to evoke a sense of wholeness and belonging, to awaken our natural capacities to heal and grow both collectively and individually, and to inspire deep and rich kinship.

Please join us this Friday for our Community Resonance Call where you are invited to share some of your own experiences with collective practices that evoke wisdom, wholeness and co-creativity!

Rosa, again: so, what have I been appreciating? What jumps out is seeing how much work is being done on the power of imagination. For starters, here’s a provocatively-titled article by Jessica Clark: “How can we imagine the future of democracy when it seems to be coming apart?

Jessica is the Executive Director of Dot Connector Studio, “a foresight and strategy firm focused on media, culture and democracy.” Something I found particularly inspiring in her article is the description of a “Collective Futures Generator”, a radical imagination workshop format that Jessica has co-created, where participants get to:

“sit down together, make zines, and craft narratives. These brief and compelling vignettes illustrate a day in a future in which belonging and healing are priorities, we’ve won collective governance, and we feel safe. While this may sound simple, the results are profound. It’s been a joy to watch participants allow themselves to drop into a space of deep yearning and creativity, and surface shared aspirations.”

I hear echoes here of Tom Atlee’s “Imagineering” work, and the epic StoryField Conference that he and Peggy Holman convened back in 2007… SO happy to be coming across instances of how the “narrative futures” work is evolving! Also along these lines, I recently came across Monica Roa’s work on “narrative antidotes to authoritarianism”, which inspired me to write a brief Linked-In article, “Living the Weave of Democracy”, on co-creative conversations as an essential democratic practice.

I do realize that given the times, it might seem that imagination, storytelling, and co-creative conversation are insubstantial tools with which to address the challenges we are facing… yet everything begins with the futures we imagine, and what we are living through at present is the outcome of some very dystopian imaginings that were brewed a long time ago….

I will close with a celebration of one of the most practical narrative strategists I know… Marshall Ganz, former organizer for the United Farm Workers, currently professor at the Harvard Kennedy School, who helps students learn how to effectively engage in relational organizing via powerful storytelling, has a new book out: “People, Power, Change: Organizing for Democratic Renewal”. Here’s a very brief review from Kirkus, as well as a more in-depth review written by a fellow organizer, and published by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. Last but not least, a provocative interview with Marshall published in the Stanford Social Innovation Review. Enjoy!

Your tax-deductible donations of any amount are much appreciated… they support Tom as well as our mostly volunteer-run Co-Intelligence Institute.

March’s Wise Democracy Pattern

23 - Dancing Among Clarity, Inquiry, Mystery …

Clarity is vital in the midst of chaos, confusion and misdirection. Inquiry is vital to evolve beyond incomplete knowledge. Recognition of omnipresent mystery is vital for humility, the source of all truly new realization. So treasure all three for their complementary gifts and don’t let them get in each other’s way.

Featured Question

What can we gain by “dancing” among clarity, inquiry and mystery…? 

Featured Resource

On Being Certain

March’s Co-Intelligence Poem

A Not-Quite Poem about Something I’m Just Now Sensing Into (and I Invite You to Sense Into with Me)

by Tom Atlee

Bigger than the Web of Life,

I sense we live in "the Relational Field"

which embraces and manifests


Being a field - 

like a gravitational field -

I sense the Relational Field 

influences and shapes 

Everything in it

and is influenced and shaped by 

Everything in it.

I sense there is nothing that is not linked

to and within the Relational Field.

I sense the Relational Field

is more about relationAlity -

a ubiquitous state of 

Being in Relationship with Everything -

than it is about relationShip

which is the way things are connected

to each other.

True, we are all connected.

But what if it's bigger than that?

What if our intrinsic connectedness

is just one aspect 

of the dynamic interActivity 

and interBeing

of Everything with Everything?

What if every difference that is made

anywhere about anything

arises from That?

What if identity,








and anything else

we can think of

all arise from

and are shaped by


What then?

What now?

What else?

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