July's Co-Intelligence Poem...
This poem by Tom Atlee will be presented in sections over 3 months. The full poem can be read here.
Note: The word “this” in the next section of the poem refers to the initial section of the whole poem, which states the following:
All that comes into being
is evoked, is called forth
by relationship, interactivity, co-creativity.
The next section of the poem expands on that idea, as follows:
The Tao of Co-Intelligence - second section
And we can know this,
that this is the way of the world,
that this is the way the world
shapes itself,
emerges from among itself,
welcomes itself
and becomes
what is new,
what is greater,
what is wisdom,
what is next
what is us --
Good and bad are, themselves, part of the dance.
And yet we love that favored face of good
that brings to the dance
beauty, meaning, and life.
Wholeness and brokenness are, themselves, part of the dance.
And yet we love that favored face of wholeness
that brings to the dance
health, coherence, and sacredness.
Chaos and order are, themselves, part of the dance.
And, yes, we move to that favored place where they meet
that brings to the dance its own motion --
self-emergence, self-organization, self-evolution
and self-transcendence.
Your being brings me mine.
My being brings you yours.
Our being brings us ours.
The world's being brings us all.
There are treasures to find here.
There are creations to weave here.
There are realms and energies and wisdom
waiting on the other side of our openness
when we swing open together
and spirit winds find their way
in and through our minds.
Let us be of one Big Mind,
while vividly, fully ourselves,
while vividly, fully being brother and sister,
while vividly woven with all our relations
in one bright fabric, emerging forever
from the loom of our dance.
Let us find the Way
that is all ways,
that wakes us to the Whole way home
and back again.
Co-intelligence lives in us
as our capacity
to live whole, interconnected, co-creative lives
-- individually and collectively --
and to engage
- consciously, intentionally, wisely --.
with a world that we see
as whole, interconnected and co-creative.
Where else but from these realities
-- from wholeness, interconnectedness and co-creativity --
do love and compassion get their power?
Truly, if we were fully sovereign, disconnected beings,
why would love be so powerful
and so universally honored?