Subject: Will you🧍 be in the same room🏠 as Tony Robbins and Arnie?

I know this young person, and I was there when it happened.

Hi, Y'all.

In the past, I would have avoided titles like these that were intended to generate a large number of clicks.

On the other hand, headlines like these are often a steaming bag of nonsense.

This is not one.

It is an authentic document.

Michael Cheney, yes, a friend of mine, knows this rookie personally and was there when the event occurred.

The most important thing about it wasn't that he made money or learned this great new skill. Instead, it was the look on his face when it actually happened.

He needed this $296 to keep the wolves at bay since he was responsible for the welfare of two young children, so he could concentrate even more on expanding his internet business

What was the unusual trick, then?


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William F. Woolverton

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