Subject: The traffic🏎️ conundrum👁️‍🗨️

Hi, Y'all.

Early on, I discovered what causes affiliate marketers to succeed or fail.

Not enough qualified visitors.

But you don't need to be a rocket scientist to understand that. Despite the fact that you have a bunch of options, you really only need to figure out one to get people to click on your link.

This is why Igor spent most of the past three and a half years trying to figure out what was happening.

When Igor, as well as myself, first started using social media, it was both a free and very popular way to drive traffic.

Everyone and their brother claimed that if you weren't on Facebook or Twitter, you didn't exist.

Anyway, Igor spent the better part of a year learning about social media.

He gained a large number of followers.

No black-hat tricks, just all-natural ways to do things.

But nothing, 0 sales.

Later, he experimented with search engine optimization (SEO).

Igor started a blog.

By the time dinner was ready, he had five articles published on Ezine Articles and hundreds of other directories after doing keyword research in the morning.

This method only got a few people to come, and none of them were qualified visitors.

And still, no sales whatsoever.

Any keyword that could bring real customers to his website was too competitive.

Furthermore, those that were not competitive lacked sufficient traffic.

He kept trying, employing every digital expert's trick in,

  • SEO

  • YouTube

  • Facebook

  • Instagram

  • Native Ads

  • Banners Ad

  • Click Exchange Sites

Simply put, nothing worked out, although one came along that did.

To Your Success,

William F. Woolverton

P.S. Igor's Traffic video comes down soon. Don’t sit on your hands!

P.S.S. Your Free Gift! No Sign-up!

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