Subject: The United States 🇺🇸 of Traffic🏎️

Hi, Y'all.

One of these two areas is home to everyone who lives in the United States of Traffic.

First, choose your area.

Do they live in,


Internet marketers that live here are concerned and stressed.

When they first wake up, they have no idea where the next click will come from.

They are writing dozens of articles per week as quickly as possible in order for search engines to notice them.

To make Zucherberriah's All-Powerful Social Media Goddess happy, they sacrifice goats to Google and have witch doctor ceremonies.

The majority of the people who live here are impoverished and hopeless.

They want to leave their mundane jobs one day, but as their click-generating strategies fail, they quickly give up.

They are eager to try anything new that promises free and quick traffic.


Leadsland never runs out of qualified leads.

They can use automated methods to send a steady stream of targeted leads to any website.

They aren't afraid to take small, calculated risks with their budgets because they use a tried-and-true system to attract, qualify, and convert quality leads.

Almost every project that a lead lander begins will be a success at some point.

These people do not believe in traffic tricks such as social media and search engine optimization (SEO).

Those outdated methods of doing things have long since given way to ones that are quicker, less expensive, more scalable, and more stable.

Which One Would You Live In, Clicksville or Leadsland?

Where do you spend the majority of your time these days?

Are you a leads lander or a click Clircksvillian?

If you're still in Clicksvilley, you should check out this new video made about the #1 traffic source I'm currently using to build a large email list of highly responsive and targeted subscribers.

You can get around 967,822 clicks per month from this source of traffic while only spending about an hour a week at your computer.

To Your Success,

William F. Woolverton

P.S. United States of Traffic video comes down soon. Don’t sit on your hands!

P.S.S. Your Free Gift! No Sign-up!

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