Subject: Straightforward Mathematics

Unknown things are frightening because they are difficult to comprehend.

Hi, Y'all.

When I was in first grade, I struggled with math and couldn't spell my name.

It appeared perplexing and frightening because the other kids would pick on you when you messed up. There are a bunch of symbols and numerals. Simply put, I didn't grasp it.

In a repeat of the first grade, at a private school, I had a new teacher who sat me down once and filled in the gaps. I learned then that math wasn't that difficult (spelling still had problems, but I could write my name), but if I worked hard to understand the reasons, I needed to fill in the spaces.

Unknown things are frightening because they are difficult to comprehend.

But when they're not.

You can't go back to "not knowing" what you learned. I think it's the equivalent of riding a bicycle.

Most everything people have attempted to understand in their life terrifies them until someone shows them how to comprehend it.

And the majority of IM students take this same path.

So, allow me to do for you what my math instructor did for me, but with traffic!

There are three methods for obtaining customers over the Internet.

1. You can EARN IT by creating a lot of content.

Consider writers, YouTubers, persons with a large social media following, bloggers, and anybody else who uploads stuff often, such as every day or every hour.

Every day, "digital fuel" is poured into the world wide web, which is a hungry beast. Some of these people have had many hits. But most people who try this strategy never even get enough hits to set up a steady flow of hits.

It's also unclear how qualified these visitors are. I attempted to earn my traffic online for the first three years and a few more times as well. I've never put in so much effort in my life. But I've never received so little in return before.

2. You can purchase ads from Google, Facebook, Twitter, Quora, or some other network (PPC).

Basically, you'll receive a click if you spend $1.

When this strategy works, it has the ability to be scaled. The disadvantage is that it is expensive. Also, optimizing this method takes a long time, so you should hire a person or agency to keep an eye on the whole process.

This strategy has proven to be effective for me. I eventually found out how to drive visitors and earn some money. However, since I had to pay money upfront and there was no assurance that it would work, it was somewhat frightening (being strapped for cash). I spent a lot of money trying to understand PPC, but it was well worth it.

But I have to say that it was easier to use PPC traffic when I first started out than it is now. I used to just switch it on and collect the money that came out.

It's not the same anymore.

  • It's becoming more difficult.

  • It is now more expensive.

  • It's now too high-tech.

  • It's not as straightforward as it once was.

I still invest money each year in this strategy, but it is no longer my primary strategy.

3. You can get it from lead banks.

For a small, predictable fee, this little-known secret of generating clicks allows you to pinch the best prospects from other people. (there called Lead Bounty Hunters)

This eliminates the need to "Earn It" since you get it immediately, and it is also quite inexpensive when compared to SGRoogle and Spacebook.

These visitors are much better than those from social media users. Split testing and optimization are not required. You can set it up and then forget about it.

Do you want to hear the best part? You do not have to pay ahead of time. You only pay for prospects that convert when you start getting traffic.

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