Subject: Intro email #2

Hey y’all

It’s William F. Woolverton again to tell you a little more about myself.

Plus, to continue are quick training.

OK, let’s start with a little more about me.

I was born in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, year 1969.

But I grew up, early childhood in New Jersey. Mostly around Pennington or northern New Jersey.

I remember my mother worked for a drug store & that is where I got my first taste of marketing.

I would have to say I was around 2 or 3 years old at the time. I wasn’t in school yet.

Well anyway mom was doing what they call facing the store.

I asked her what she was doing.

She explained that a full looking store sells more than an empty store does.

And by facing all the merchandise it also makes the merchandise look nice to purchase.

The whole store then is a nice big display, getting people to buy.

Which is the name of the game.

Now along with that note.

Getting someone’s Contact Permission.

Now this is normally done by giving someone a free checklist, an info-graph, or an ebook.

Now the higher the perceived value of said free gift will increase your sign-ups, but only for the niche your free gift is related too.

In other words, if your free gift is for someone in the make money online niche.

It won't work for someone wanting something to do with health.

Now you say that’s a no brainer, but I’ve seen people wanting to be marketers do this.

Here’s a little hint for you.

If you can give away some sort of computer program, app, etc.., of that nature for the niche you are going to be selling to.

Your sign-up conversions will increase like crazy!

The higher the perceive value of your gift the better your conversions will be.

Now getting back to why I told you that little story about my mom and myself.

Many people when staring out create their own ebook.

From writing it to creating their own ebook cover.

Let me give you some advice, writing your own ebook is awesome. (although you can also find a ghostwriter)


Unless you're a designer get a designer.

Presentation just like in a store is everything.

The saying is “Don’t judge a book by its cover”.

People DO judge though!

It’s not your fault, It’s just human nature.

We eat with our eye’s,

Plain and simple.

So, go to Upwork, Freelancer, or even Fiverr

Don’t just spend $5 on it ether.

Spend a few $ bucks.

Remember the saying you get what you pay for.

Next week will go over your landing/opt-in page.

So until next week

To Your Success
William F, Woolverton
P.S. Hint: Don’t spend time learning what you need to know, Hire the right person for the job.

P.S.S. You can't beat a pro at their own job.
So, Hire them.

William Woolverton, 1242 Main St, Pleasant View, TN 37146, United States
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