Subject: I’ll never bend the knee to Longshanks!

William Wallace was brave and would rather die than live as a coward.

Hi Y'All,

For years, I pictured my boss as King Edward...

My life was Scotland, and my job was England’s invading army.

I fought a battle for my freedom from this oppressor my whole entire life.

After many years of long hours, late nights, and frustrated weekends, I finally found the answer to the question I was torturing myself to find...

How to achieve freedom.

I know what you are probably thinking,

“You’ve lost your marbles, you were born free!

But no one is REALLY free if they are a slave to their job.

Think about it. You spend all day doing something you hate to make someone else RICH and it leaves you feeling with no purpose. You have a boss telling you what to do and when to do it. 

(Some folks can’t even hit the head without asking permission!)

News flash!

That is NOT my definition of freedom.

Freedom is being able to wake up when you want and where you want. 

Then spend your day doing what you want with who you want. And your “WHY” is whatever the heck you want it to be…

That’s what I built for myself.

And that’s what I want for you!

This is the gate to freedom…

But it’s up to you to walk through it.

To Your Success,

William F. Woolverton

P.S. That Link Once Again is

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