Subject: He🛌 awoke⏰ with an elephant🐘 sitting🪑 on his chest🧰.

Hi, Y'all.

 At 2:13 AM, he was sitting up in his bed. It seemed like an elephant was sitting on his chest the whole time.

He was having difficulty taking in enough air.

Fear had immobilized his whole body in its purest form.

His perspiration had hardened into a thick film on his bed sheets, and his heart was pumping at breakneck speed.

He was scared that he might collapse from a heart attack.


Back then, this imaginary elephant would come over and sit on his chest, attempting to suffocate him.

This was common back then.

He'd grown used to having panic attacks.

After that one day, he was terrified from that point on.

If he did not pay his bills,

  • he would get calls from a dozen different bill collectors,

  • the lights would be turned off,

  • and his car would be towed away,

  • etc...

He has experienced a significant transformation.

He now sleeps through the night like a baby.

(He hasn't seen or heard from his old pal the anxiety elephant in years.)

Furthermore, he cannot remember the last time he looked at the prices shown on a restaurant menu.

He can now provide for his family in the way that they should be provided for.

He can now treat her that way...

The good lord knows that she is worthy of it.

With the scrutiny that his children will never be in need of anything.

But he remembers how it felt.

  • Knowing that there are more days in a month than there are dollars to last,

  • You can't help but feel uncomfortable when you glance in the mirror.

  • the demoralizing impression that you are a total and utter failure.

He vowed to himself that he would never feel such sensations again!

Later on, he made a promise to do all in his power to help as many people as possible who were feeling hopeless.

He decided to help free as many people as he could from the anxiety that had followed him for so long.

His goal was to help as many people as possible.

the fear that you'll awaken with an elephant on your chest!

(One might even call him the elephant hunter, especially for "anxiety elephants").

You need the help of someone who has already been there and done that.

He will help you get out of the situation so you don't have to go through it again.

But it is up to you to make the first move.

People who are daring tend to have good fortune, so get going!

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