Subject: Even Santa couldn’t beat this Labor Day gift!

Nick James writes this book: ‘Six Figures A Year In Info Publishing’.

Hi Y'All,

‘Santa’ calling with an extra gift for you.

But first …

A true story.

After making $17,000,000 online, Nick James writes this book: ‘Six Figures A Year In Info Publishing’.

It literally shows anyone that will take an evening to read it, how to make six figures a year themselves.

Obviously, Nick’s no Scrooge!

So let me ask you something …

If you were the author’s neighbor …

And you could see him living a millionaire lifestyle …

Without any visible means of support (he puts in just a couple of hours a day working from his kitchen table) …

And he offered you a free copy of his book one day …

What would you say?

I’m asking, because he did offer his next door neighbor a free copy of ‘Six Figures A Year In Info Publishing’ …

And his next door neighbor said, ‘NO THANKS’!

You won’t believe the reason he gave - you can find out what he said here!

But back to you – what would you have said?

If you’d have snatched that book out of his hand like a 5 year old being offered a candy cane off the tree on Christmas Eve…

Then head on over there right now … and pick up your free copy of ‘Six Figures A Year In Info Publishing’.

Because as I write to you, there are still some copies left.

Mmmm, I quite like being ‘Santa :-)

To Your Success,

William F. Woolverton

PS: Seriously … G-R-A-B your free copy of ‘Six Figures A Year In Info Publishing’ whilst you can!

Six Figures a Year in Info Publishing

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