Subject: Day 7: Uncover Hidden Treasures with Non-Obvious Keywords 💎

End your 7-day journey by finding hidden keyword gems.

What's Up, Y'all! 👋

You’ve reached the finale of our 7-day SEO journey.

Today, we'll focus on uncovering non-obvious keywords.

Follow these steps:

  1. Go to ChatGPT-4 and enter the text: "Please find some non-obvious words 20 in the (the niche you're interested in) market."

  2. Use Ahref to enter this list into the Keyword Explorer and go deeper to find more unique keywords.

By the end of today, you’ll have a list of unique, non-obvious keywords that can give you a competitive edge.

Thank you for joining us on this 7-day SEO journey!

To Your Success,  🏆

William F. Woolverton

P.S. Finding hidden keyword gems is like striking gold in the SEO world! 🌟

P.S.S. Your Free Gift! No Sign-up! You download directly!

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