Subject: Day 5: Unlock the Power of Synonyms in SEO 📚

Use the Thesaurus to diversify your keyword strategy.

What's Up, Y'all! 👋

On Day 5, we'll leverage the power of synonyms to diversify our keyword strategy.

Follow these steps:

  1. Go to ChatGPT-4 and upload your keyword file with the text: "Please use the keywords in this file and come up with 5 different thesaurus-type words for each."

  2. Download the text file ChatGPT-4 provides and add these new keywords to your master list.

By diversifying your keyword list, you're setting yourself up for SEO success.

Stay tuned for tomorrow, where we'll look into non-competitive keywords.

To Your Success,  🏆

William F. Woolverton

P.S. Diversity in keywords is the spice of SEO life! 🌶️

P.S.S. Your Free Gift! No Sign-up! You download directly!

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