Subject: Your "done-for-you-ecom" store (gone tomorrow)

Hi Friend

The special deal we made with
Greg Writer is closing TOMORROW so...

Be sure to Watch the Webinar Replay
and Get the Awesome Deal Here Now

This is a tremendous special that Greg
is offering you --

In case you missed it:

Greg is looking to work with a few
people on a "pay as you sell" basis...

This means YOU don't have to stock
inventory and you only pay for a
product after it sells!

PLUS... with this hugely discounted
deal - you now get to have YOUR OWN
Mega Store built for you with
2,200 products already loaded in

AND... you can even customize
those products in dozens of
different ways so you can sell
someone exactly what she wants
to buy.

And much, MUCH more.

The Good News is that this is the
awesomely simple way to get started
we've ever seen.

The BAD NEWS is...

The big discount on the custom
built mega store deal (including
waiving the monthly fees) is
ONLY available for another day.

You need to take action ASAP.

Go Watch this Replay Video Now
and Get Your Own Mega Store Today!

BTW - they've also added a 4 pay
option to make it even easier
to get started.  You'll see that
on the order form when you sign up.

To your success,

Bryan Hee

P.S.  We will be live on our
regular Wednesday Training Session

If  not registered yet,
sign up're