Subject: Your Time Is Almost Up!

Hi Friend

The Lurn Virtual Summit is Just a Few Days Away!

Have You Registered?

We don’t want you to miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity
to learn from the BEST OF THE BEST in internet marketing. 

Register Now For Just $1

The Lurn Summit is a 2-Day, virtual event which will teach you everything
from starting an online business to optimizing and improving your current one.
But, what’s the best part? IT’S JUST A DOLLAR!

With only a couple short days left to register
, don’t miss your chance to see:

  • Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad
  • Bob Proctor of The Secret
  • Anik Singal, CEO of Lurn
  • Kevin Strawbridge & Mick Wiskerchen, CEO & COO of ClickBank
  • Jimmy Kim, CEO of Sendlane

Reserve Your Seat to The Virtual Event Here

So, will you be joining us? 

Yours in success,

Bryan Hee

P.S. "When life pushes you, stand straight, smile and push it the
heck back!"
