Subject: Wordpress makeover?

Hi Friend

I've just had a sneak-peak at a powerful new plugin, that makes customizing and protecting WordPress sites easier than ever before...

If you want to protect your own or your client's sites from hackers, or if you want your WordPress dashboards to look completely branded and professional then there is only one solution.

Nothing else in the market is going to do that for you except WP MakeOver.

This plugin gives you awesome control over any WordPress site: changing the color scheme, adding custom logos to the login and dashboard, removing meta boxes and controls, removing footer credits, stopping all updates, and so many more features!

It also prevents hackers from access your login page altogether!

It's out today and you can get it at a special discount. It comes with awesome fast-action bonuses, too, that you don't want to miss!

To Your Success,


Bryan Hee