Subject: The quest for "hands-free" system

Hi Friend

Let’s start with the big question...

Is there truly a "hands-free" system?

You've seen such products and claims on the internet.

The truth is...

It does exist, but most of them are not able to support the claim
at all.

First, I think we need to study how "push button to make money
online" is truly created, so that you can have it.

In summary, this phenomenon can only be achieved if SOMEONE ELSE
is working for you.

Don't be misled that money can be made on auto-pilot - "work" is
required for you to be "paid."

Of course, the question is, are you doing the work... or someone

I mean, there’s push button system to create a portal website
with full of affiliate offers inside, but who’s promoting it
for you?

If NO ONE is doing the work, thus, the push button system will

Even if you have a mailing list, you'll still need to work
because you'll need to: 

1. Continue to provide valuable content to your list of

2. Research for good products to be promoted and coming up with

3. Crafting email promotions to be sent out 

So the solution? 

Hire someone to do it for you. 

This is why, our program, the CB Passive Income License Program
is still working after so many years.

Because I'm working FOR YOU behind the scene - EVERY DAY.

** Version 5.0 Is Coming **

One of the key reasons why the system continues to work is
because we upgrade it regularly, at least once a year, so that
it’s the LATEST METHOD you’re using.

And if everything goes on plan, we may have version 5.0 release
by end of July 2018.

The bad news is...

I honestly do not know how much it’ll cost. 

I mean, a similar system like this in the market is currently
being sold for $1,997.

But if you decide to lock-in your spot right now, you’ll be
guaranteed to have version 5.0 upgrade for 100% free.

Also, it’ll be good to get in early so that you can get
familiar with the system before we release 5.0 for you to use...

Click here to check it out

To Your Success,

Bryan Hee