Subject: STILL AVAILABLE! Licensing Rights To My $97 Producing Cash Machine! (plus 5 ideas...)

Hi Friend ,

If you weren't already aware, you can
get licensing rights to one of my best
sellers online.

You'll get an exact duplicate of my own
site, and sales video so you can sell
to your own customers as many times as
you want!

You'll even be able to undercut me and
sell at a lower price!


I've also been receiving questions on
what to do with all mammoth of a
machine once it's loaded on your
server. So here are 5 quick
money-making ideas that you can apply
as soon is you've set this up...

1. Sell all products in one go for $27
(I sell them for $97) as a bundle deal
and make your money back ASAP. You
could even setup an exit pop-up for
half the content for half the price for
pick up every sale possible!

2. Set up all products individually for
end users and sell for a modest $10 per
product - (they will sell easily!)

3. Offer branding rights to all 10
products as a one-time offer after
making a sale of a related report or
'how to' video training. This is a
great way to increase your profits fast
without having to promote a new product!

4. Offer a cheap $5-10 report for sale
on the Warrior Forum and offer personal
usage rights to all 10 products at a
discount as an up-sell for an instant
profit boost.

5. Add the products to your existing
digital product store or start a new
one if you haven't already done so.
Think like Amazon and display your new
products in a wide style view format to
present more options to your visitors!


To sweeten the deal for you, I'm even
going to offer a FULL install service
so you can have everything setup and
running within 24 hours.

This includes file transfer, PayPal
button creation, direct linking to
download page, 100% commission
affiliate script, Aweber customer
capture form, back-end emails and
everything fully tested.

If you know how to work with reseller
products and know how to customize and
set them up the way you want then
choose option #1.

Else if you're new to the online world
or just want everything setup without
hassles then opt for option #2.


Bryan Hee

P.S. There's about 48 hours left on the
timer before the price increases.
Remember I sell these products
individually for $27 each, and $97 for
the entire pack so you're really
getting on heck of a deal here.

Thanks again to everyone who have
already placed their order. Don't
forget to complete your install form so
my team can set this system up for you
before it gets really busy!

Well today it ends!
