Subject: It’s Not Too Late.. Yet

Hi Friend

The Lurn Virtual Summit is TOMORROW! 

Personally, I’m jumping out of my skin!! I can’t wait!.
I’ve been following Robert Kiyosaki for years now and I’m
pumped to hear what he has to say about the economy and

There’s so much to look forward to. 

I mean, have you seen the speaker line-up for this thing? 

It’s a beast! 

Anyway, I hope you blocked off 2 days to show up to this thing


If you want to start an online business, or even if you’re
doing well in your business…’d be crazy to miss this! 

Don't miss out! 


I sure won't :) 

Bryan Hee 

P.S. Like I’ve said earlier, they're sending out replays, so
make sure you AT LEAST get on the list if you can't be there for
the entire event this weekend. 
