Subject: *EVERYTHING* Aweber Related! (2 hours of solid training...)

Hi Friend

One of the most important tools for a
long term profitable business in this
day and age is an email auto-responder
service like Aweber.

There is a big difference between
having it and using it to its full

I've had my Aweber account since 2007
when they charged a flat rate no matter
how many subscribers you had.

Well their pricing structure and list
of features have changed a bit since
then, and so has the way I use Aweber.

The problem with many auto-responder
tutorials online is that they are
out-dated, the recording was done in
poorer quality, and the interface of
the website has changed so and you
can't exactly follow what's been shown
on screen.

With the latest release you won't have
any of those problems so you can get
the most from Aweber today instead of
just pushing it away and forgetting
about it.


Video #1 - Introduction To Aweber
Video #2 - First Time Signup
Video #3 - Basic List Setup
Video #4 - Global Text Snippets
Video #5 - Create Web Form

Video #6 - Customizing Web Form
Video #7 - List Importing
Video #8 - Create Templates
Video #9 - Create Follow-Ups
Video #10 - Create Broadcasts
Video #11 - Blog Broadcasts
Video #12 - Backup Your Lists
Video #13 - Removing Subscribers
Video #14 - Create List Segments
Video #15 - Copy Messages

Video #16 - Sharing Messages
Video #17 - Split Testing Web Forms
Video #18 - Split Testing Broadcasts
Video #19 - Statistics & Reports
Video #20 - Subscriber Search

Video #21 - Adding Video #To Messages
Video #22 - Automation Rules

Full details of what each video covers


To Your Success!

Warm Regards,
Bryan Hee